Leaning In or Leaning Back

Seth Godin is my marketing hero. The author of a dozen or so books, including “The Dip” and “All Marketers are Liars”, Seth’s books and blog have been a constant source of insight and perspective since I first started looking into his stuff. One of the concepts I picked up out of the many ideas in his book, Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us, was this idea of leaning in or leaning back. It’s not even one of the big ideas in that book, but you never know where you’ll find something you can use.

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Poem by George Bilgere

This was the poem of the day on Writer’s Almanac and it really struck a chord. Thought I’d put it here so that I didn’t lose it. It’s amazing and wonderful that we can catch up with friends and loved ones while dining alone in a cafe, it’s comforting not to have to eat alone. … Read more

Interesting news day…

Reading the news today, it just seemed too interesting to not make a few little notes on some intriguing stories:

    • rising obesity responsible for sharp climb in disability rates


      • herbal medicine fad destroying habitat


      • farmed salmon potentially dangerous to health

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