Anniversary Vacation – Mt Tyndall
Ahwiyah Point Rockfall Bigger than 1996 Rockfall
NPS just came out with an estimate of how large the March 28 Ahwiyah Point rockfall was, and I was surprised to learn that it was nearly 50% larger than the major rockfall in 1996 that fell near Happy Isles. Turns out, there has been a really interesting conversation going on over at Supertopo about the rockfall, and I picked up some more interesting information as well, and would recommend that as a good source for pictures and analysis about where the rockfall came from.
Second Boulder Day
Le Conte Gully from Stoneman’s Bridge I stopped on my way to work yesterday morning and took a picture of Le Conte Gully. Like 2 years ago, it is filled with beautiful yellow bushes, that, if you were to go up there, would provide a splendid foreground to Half Dome from a unique perspective in … Read more
Another new speed record on The Nose
Hans and Yuji did it again! Another fantastic record, this time cutting off 6.5 minutes off their previous record. The final time was 2 hours, 37 minutes and 5 seconds. Tom and I sadly missed the record-setting effort, and the cheering and hoopla in the meadow, but I couldn’t resist mentioning it here. An amazing … Read more
The record-breaking day
There’s been a great deal of excitement and story-telling about the new speedclimbing record on the Nose, recently obtained by Hans Florine and Yuji Hirayama. 2 hours, 43 minutes, 33 seconds. In addition to the details from Hans, ElcapPics turned in an entertaining and suspenseful narrative on Supertopo. It was very exciting, the media was … Read more
Great Comings and Goings
Any great astrologers out there have a reading on why there seem to be so many comings and goings in my life right now? Tom and I went the Bay Area last weekend to welcome an old Berkeley friend who has just come back from the East Coast. After 3 long years in Maryland, we’re … Read more
Whisky Bill on Fresno Dome
I’ve promised myself that no matter how late it’s gotten, or how many other adventures I’ve had since then, that I would put something up about the amazing day that I had climbing with my friends, Bruce and Em, on Fresno Dome, the day after the Pano hike . Fresno Dome is one of those … Read more
Farewells and Celebrations
The end of the month is a little sad because many of the great people that we shared the house with are leaving. On the other hand, I guess it’s a good excuse to throw some parties.